Turfway Park Picks - Thursday 01/18

Please don't cancel on us again...

Turfway Park Picks - Thursday 01/18/2024

Cheers to everyone who gave feedback on yesterday’s picks, we ended up doing pretty well despite the early cancellation. Thanks a lot, Mother Nature. Can we replicate that success? Will they even run or cancel early again? Who the hell knows, but let’s get down to business.

Just remember, we are not a tout newsletter but it’s a slow news week so it’s not like we have anything better going on. And besides, you should never listen to touts anyway. Instead, use their insights and see if they align with your own or get you thinking in a new way.

Race 1

We’re tepidly taking a swing on the #2 Swimmingwithsharks in the opener - the horse has not been in the best form coming from the other Kentucky circuits but has been on a steady work tab since then. 0/8 on the synth as well but was competitive earlier this year at Golden Gate (R.I.P.).

Race 2

The #9 Sanctify is very interesting here. You’ll see the race note that this horse broke slowly the first time out which is an understatement. There was some interest there late after gaining composure. The connections (which aren’t exactly great in this spot) decide to keep the 2nd out at the same level so there is some hope there. Worth a shot at what will be a price.

Race 3

There are two first-time starters that we have our eye on in this 3-year-old maiden race. #4 Brother Rice going out for Table 38 Racing LLC - we have no idea who that is but when you look them up on Equibase they seem to be a small-time operation with no success so far in 2023, but take a look at the 2022 record:

Not too bad? Kind of an interesting price horse.

The other FTS we’re looking towards is the #12 Fall Again but we certainly wouldn’t fault anyone for going elsewhere in this race.

Race 4

No crazy strong opinions in this one - we’ll give the slight nod to #5 Kara and Colleen but we’re not in love with anything here.

Race 5

Anytime Mark Casse picks up a Woodbine runner and ships it down here, you can’t take it too lightly, that’s why the #10 Villi Olento will more than likely go off as a deserving favorite.

But what about the #2 Caladium as the other interesting choice? This horse broke poorly last out and then was correctly disqualified for an erratic ride after finishing first. The “still a maiden” but “is it really a maiden” angle if you will.

Race 6

Scratches were not kind here.

We do like the #1 - Sargeant Barger getting back to the synth here but we have no idea who the connections are so tread lightly.

#5 Crosstown Shootout and #7 All Jokes Aside look logical.

Race 7

Very competitive race here and we’re leaning on the #9 - Mugatu. The thought process here is that Talamo gets back aboard and has put this horse in a good position every single mount. Back to synth as well where it had its last win.

Also worth noting is the #3 - Great Richie M going out for John Ennis who is 60% this meet and this horse has improved each time out.

Race 8

The #4 - White Lilacs sure doesn’t miss the board much and there isn’t a ton of pace pressure in here, not to mention that speed looked great last night. But did Luan decide to hop off Lilac’s for #12 - Beach Walkn who broke poorly last time? Perhaps. Both are winless on the synth but could be forgiven.

Worth checking out the #5 Bali Kuta who just missed last out to a decent field.

Race 9

Hard to trust anyone in the finale, one would have to assume that the #3 Blue Neith might try to take them gate-to-wire with Burgos and Randy Klopp on the #4 - Fredericia trying to stalk and hopefully finish things up. At least that’s how we’re drawing it up in our heads.

Sure #12 - Caribbean Night looks to be a contender but we’re assuming these outside posts on routes are still not ideal.

Best of luck once again - as always feel free to email us: [email protected] or shoot us a Tweet with any feedback.